FileMaker Plugins

Some FileMaker plugin publishers with a proven track record include:

Dialog Plugins

Now that FileMaker includes the modal dialog window option, we can come very close to simulating native dialog boxes, with all the advantages of anything we can put on a FileMaker layout. When only a "real" dialog will do, these plugins let you go beyond what native FileMaker dialogs can do.
Troi DialogTroiA useful plugin
SimpleDialog24UAnother good plugin

Email Plugins

Email360WorksCan run on server
mail.itDaconsCan run on server
SMTPit ProCNSSMTPit sends mail, POP3it receives mail

Menu Plugins

CNS MenuCNSHierarchal menus anywhere on a FileMaker layout.

Credit Card Plugins

eAuthorizeWorqSmartHasn't been updated for a while.

Script triggers

FileMaker 10 introduced native script triggers, which do almost everything you need, but once in a while you need a plugin to fill the gap. These will trigger a script on auto-entry, on validate, basically anywhere you can invoke the calculation engine (even tooltips).
ActivatorTroiCan trigger events on remote machines
DoScriptmyFMbutlerFree! Can trigger during idle time
zippScriptzippToolsNo longer available. RIP

Years ago I did two presentations at FileMakerDevCon, one on plugins, and the other about credit cards. Thus, this page. I’ve updated it a few times over the years, but probably won’t continue. Since then I’ve used plugins happily when required, but in general I’ve come to rely on them less as my needs changed and as FileMaker expanded its native functionality. These days I’m only using the BaseElements plugin for its BaseElements analysis requirements, and the Dracoventions Developer Assistant, which is super useful to me but isn’t deployed to our users. If I was doing most of my work on Mac I’d probably be using the MBS plugin as well, but since it doesn’t do all of its cool stuff on Windows, I don’t.

You can also find plug-ins at

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